December 2021

  1. Tips for Using Industrial Extension Cords

    Tips for Using Industrial Extension Cords
    Extension cords can be handy when you don’t have convenient outlets. They can also be helpful when using machines with short cables that can’t reach nearby electrical outlets. But not all extension cords are the same. Choosing the right extension cord is essential to ensure electrical safety and prevent fire hazards.  Most people assume the extension cord is heavy-duty simply because it is...
  2. What to Look For When Choosing a Power Strip

    What to Look For When Choosing a Power Strip
    The days of choosing which piece of electronics you want to plug in are long gone. Thanks to power strips, now you can have even up to 12 different devices plugged in and ready to use simultaneously. Therefore, it can easily be said power strips transformed our lives in many ways. The days of choosing which piece of electronics you...
  3. The Don'ts And Do’s Of Extension Cords

    The Don'ts And Do’s Of Extension Cords
    It can be handy to have extension cords when you need to provide power for devices with cables that cannot reach nearby electrical outlets. This makes powering electrical devices with extension cords a common and convenient practice.    Nevertheless, if not used properly, they can pose fire risks. Choosing the correct type of extension cord is essential to ensure electrical safety and prevent...
  4. How to Choose the Best Power Extension Cord?

    How to Choose the Best Power Extension Cord?
    Extension cords are godsend gadgets that keep electric power flowing across our homes or workplaces. From powering devices like TVs and computers to powering drills and welding paraphernalia, their contribution is invaluable. Given their crucial role, you need to own a reliable power extension cord. However, most take buying extension cords lightly, yet the effects of using low-quality cords can be dire...
  5. Everything You Need To Know About NEMA Connector: Feature, Type, And Mechanism

    Everything You Need To Know About NEMA Connector: Feature, Type, And Mechanism
    Electrical and electronic appliances play an intricate role in the daily life of everyone in today's society. There's barely any sphere of modern living that the technology and advances in electrical engineering haven’t touched in one way or the other.  Printed circuit boards, solid-state construction, microchip technology, and other advances have rendered electronic components such as cords, extensions, and connectors safer...
  6. C5 Power Cord: What To Consider Before Buying

    C5 Power Cord: What To Consider Before Buying
    Many people ignore their power cord features, but they can be a significant source of losses and hazards. The longer or heavier the cord is, and the more appliances you use at once, the higher you risk such losses to occur. Electric fire accidents can happen when you have multiple appliances plugged into a single, multi-outlet power strip. It can also arise when you...
  7. Choosing The Right Power Cable: Top Tips

    Choosing The Right Power Cable: Top Tips
    When choosing the correct power cord for household appliances and office devices, people often make costly mistakes by blindly selecting products they think will suit their needs. However, choosing the wrong products can only cause more problems and bring more expenses.  On the other hand, most people simply go with the longest and cheapest option, which is also wrong. The trick to making...
  8. 5 Simple Extension Cord Rules to Improve Worksite Safety

    5 Simple Extension Cord Rules to Improve Worksite Safety
    Extension cords make our lives a little easier and are one of the most used types of equipment both at home and at the workplace. The applications for extension cords are endless, from allowing you to operate electric machinery outside to hanging lights anywhere you want. They give you access to power even if there isn’t a plug-in sight.  xtension cords come...

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