July 2021

  1. What is the NEMA 5-15 Connector? How Does It Work?

    What is the NEMA 5-15 Connector? How Does It Work?
    Electrical appliances are among some of the most popular consumer products worldwide. Everyone needs electrical devices from refrigerators to air conditioners, be it for work or convenience at home.  However, powering these devices can get tricky if you don’t know the suitable connectors and plugs to use. It’s even more frustrating if you travel abroad and realize all your plugs...
  2. NEMA Chart: Know Your Plug And Receptacle

    NEMA Chart: Know Your Plug And Receptacle
    Whether at home or in the workplace, few things are as confusing as electric cords and the plugs, receptacles, and connectors that come with them. Meanwhile, you need the right plug and socket to get any electric device to work correctly and safely.  So what are you to do? Fortunately, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) took matters into its...
  3. Dos And Don’ts Of Extension Cord Safety At Workplace

    Dos And Don’ts Of Extension Cord Safety At Workplace
    Extension cords are a common sight at a variety of different workplaces ranging from offices to construction sites. Unfortunately, spotting an incorrectly used extension cord is also a regular occurrence.  Whether they lack the knowledge to use the cords correctly or it’s more convenient to take shortcuts, people often make dangerous mistakes when they use an extension cord. Today, we’re...
  4. Guidebook On Hospital Grade Power Cords

    Guidebook On Hospital Grade Power Cords
    Products in hospitals or other healthcare facilities often undergo extensive testing before getting approved for use. Unlike office and home applications, electronic devices and gadgets used in hospitals should meet stringent requirements to prevent injury to staff members or patients. As a result, healthcare laboratories and facilities utilize electronic appliances like analyzers, microscopes, refrigerators, centrifuges, and other devices to examine...
  5. Looking to Buy the Right Power Cord: 10 Points to Consider.

    Looking to Buy the Right Power Cord: 10 Points to Consider.
    Power cables are essential components of an electrical system that play a crucial role in nearly every industry. The correct power cord determines its functionality, safety, serviceability of assembly, and ease of use. Since there are many power cords on the market, it can be a daunting task to choose the right power cord. Power cords are available in different...

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