Extend The Life of Extension Cord with These Tips
Alt text – Extend the life of extension cord with these tips
Home and office designs do not accommodate everyone's varying needs. Changing your office arrangement or home layout can challenge your electrical use needs. A 220v extension cord is inevitable in various situations. It is a temporary solution when the mains electric source does not reach all your appliances or for seasonal decorations. Even when you have one, you must keep it in good condition for safety.
Extending the longevity of your power strip reduces your expenses and eliminates the risks of electrical shock and fires. A worn-out extension cord is a hazard and a potential source of an accident. Here are some tips to help you keep your extension cords in good condition and make them last longer.

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1. Never Overload Them
Overloading extension cords is one of the many dangerous mistakes we commit at home and office. Remember, these gadgets cannot handle too much electricity. Overloading happens when you connect more than one appliance using the same power strip. Check the electrical wattage and amperage against the rating on your extension cord to ensure it can handle the load. For instance, a power cord rated for ten amps cannot withstand a 7 amp and 4 amp consecutively. But it can support them when used separately.
2. Use the Correct Extension Cord

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It is easy to get things wrong when in a hurry. Various extension cords serve different purposes. They come in many lengths, gauge sizes, designs, intended use, and ratings. Pick one for the job according to your needs. For instance, a 12-gauge extension cord is suitable for heavy-duty appliances such as air conditioners. Avoid 16-gauge because it cannot withstand more than 18 amps.
Use an indoor-rated cord in office settings and homes within the walls. Outdoor-rated power cords are safe to use in wet conditions, such as outside. Also, they are more durable and can withstand numerous uses on rough terrain. However, a heavy duty power strip is universally ideal for different settings.
3. Protect Your Extension Cord from Sunlight and Heat
Weather elements, like sunlight and heat, can cause extension cords to degrade rapidly. Sunlight UV rays can weaken the insulation, causing cracks that expose wires. The electric cord can overheat and eventually catch fire if exposed for too long. Heat shortens the lifespan because it wears them faster. Also, heated wires reduce efficiency by lowering electric flow.
Use a plastic cover to protect your power strip when not in use. Store it indoors when done with your job. If working in a garage, workshop, or on an outdoor project, use a heavy-duty cord and cover it with an outdoor-rated extension cord cover. But ensure you leave the ends uncovered so you can unplug it quickly whenever needed.
4. Inspect It Regularly

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You can only keep your extension cord in top-notch condition by ensuring it has no damaged parts. Regularly inspect it for cuts, frays, tears, and cracking of the insulation. Examine the ends and plugs for cracks, burns, or signs of wear. If you notice any, unplug it immediately and discard it.
Never try to repair a damaged power strip. For safety, invest in a new and reliable appliance rather than risk safety. Extension cord 8 gauge repairs may include cutting off the damaged section and adding a new plug, which may be illegal in some states.
5. Invest in What You Need
Sometimes, all you need to keep your extension cord alive for longer is to purchase the correct extension cord types for your appliance. Invest in quality cords. Ensure their voltage, wattage, and amperage ratings are visible. You can also check the quality of the material used in making it. For instance, a power strip with heavy-duty housing can withstand harsh weather conditions longer without degrading or short-circuiting.
Also, find power cords with desired features. For instance, an in-built circuit breaker is ideal for delicate gadgets like computers. You can also buy power strips with surge protectors to protect your appliances from voltage spikes. An inline cord switch can also help you turn off the electrical gadget without unplugging it.
6. Keep It Clean and Dry

Alt text – extension cord with switch, bulk wire
Wipe the cord down with a damp cloth after finishing work. Dirt, debris, water, ice, and other elements can damage the wires. When done with cleaning, ensure it is entirely dry before plugging it in. Also, give adequate space between your power strip and other objects to ensure it runs through its entire lifespan.
Finally, unplug extension cords when not in use to reduce the risk of fire. Store it out of reach for children and pets to avoid electrocution. You may need to lock your tv extension cord up in the garage or tool shed when done with work. But ensure you keep rodents at bay because they can gnaw at the wires and insulation.
Summing Up
Extension cords are vital in our daily activities. But if not handled with care, they can cause fires or electrocution. Also, long-lived power strips and extension power cables are more expensive than short-lived ones. Purchase quality items and conduct regular inspections to keep your cords alive. Also, when not in use, guard it against weather elements and always unplug it. Ensure it is clean and dry, and store it safely away from children, pets, and rodents.